New ScanGov government website security report cards

Scans include content security policy, HSTS, X-Content-Type-Options, security.txt.

By ScanGov / October 17, 2024

We added a new ScanGov indicator that grades/scores federal and state government websites based on basic web security practices.

Why it matters 🚨 href="#why-it-matters-"

Government agencies must incorporate web security throughout every phase of website and digital service design and development.

What we monitor đŸŸĸ href="#what-we-monitor-"

Grades/scores 🧑‍đŸĢ href="#gradesscores-"

Sources 📖 href="#sources-"

We use these government and nonprofit sources for guidance:

  • Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
  • Open Web Application Security Project

About ScanGov ℹī¸ href="#about-scangov-ℹī¸"

ScanGov is a Civic Hacking Agency project to spread awareness about the importance of government digital experience best practices.

Questions? 🤔 href="#questions-"

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